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My visa application has been refused. What can I do?

Schengen Visum

Schengen Visum, © colourbox

27.03.2024 - Artikel

Find out what you can do in case of a refusal of your visa application.

After a visa application has been rejected, you have the following options: A new application with a new set of documents or an appeal as explained in the embassy's decision.

New application

After a rejection, it is possible to submit a new application with complete, meaningful and verifiable documents at any time. The procedure is exactly the same as for the previous application.


The refusal notification sent to you by the Embassy states not only that the visa application has been unsuccessful, but also gives the grounds on which it was rejected and information on your right to appeal the decision.

If a visa application is rejected, you have one month to appeal in writing („remonstrate“) to the Embassy. The Embassy will then reconsider the application.

You also have the option of appealing to the Court (also within one month) against the initial decision instead of remonstrating to the mission.

Your remonstration must include the following:

Your name, first name, date of birth, place of birth, passport number
Rejection date

contact details for further enquiries, i.e. telephone number (including area code), mobile phone number, email address and full postal address.
Your handwritten signature (if remonstrated by a third party: their handwritten signature)

In your letter, please explain in as much detail as possible why you want to travel to Germany and why the stay is important to you.
Please explain in detail why you think the rejection is unfounded. Possibly you can submit additional documents that you did not have when you submitted your application.

Should the Embassy still concludes that you do not meet the conditions for obtaining a visa, we will again set out in detail in writing the reasons why we rejected the application in a Remonstrance Notice.

The applicant may appeal this decision within one month by filing an action with the Administrative Court in Berlin.

Third parties

For reasons of data protection, information about individual visa applications may only be provided to the applicant personally or to a person whom the applicant has authorized in writing to receive such information. A remonstrance by third parties, e.g. the inviter, a lawyer - can only be submitted simultaneous with your power of attorney issued in writing and signed by you.

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