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Language Course (§ 16f AufenthG) / Postgraduates (§ 18d AufenthG) 

21.01.2025 - Artigo

visa requirements

If you intend to enroll in a German language course or conduct scientific research, you can apply for a visa after setting an appointment via our contact form.

Please prepare all documents listed below. After checking the completion you will be assigned an appointment.


At the time of your visa appointment you have to submit the following documents in person (original plus one copy):

  • completed and signed application form for a long-term visa
  • 1 recent passport photograph
  • your national passport
  • residence permit for Portugal
  • Graduation certificate /degree
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Evidence of health insurance valid in Germany 
  • Visa fee 75,- Euros
  • Proof of financial means for the first year of your studies (equivalent of 992, - € per month):

    a) Formal Sponsor Letter (Verpflichtungserklärung) by a sponsor in Germany. This may be obtained from the local authority in Germany (Ausländerbehörde)


    b) Fixed-Deposit-Account (blocked bank account “Sperrkonto”) in Germany. Information on providers that offer this service worldwide is available on the Federal Foreign Office website.


    c) proof of official scholarship

Language course

  • Confirmation of fully paid language course registration
  • Motivational letter explaining why you wish to attend a language course in Germany and what you intend to do afterwards

Postgraduates / PHD / Scientific research

  • Invitation from German university or German scientist/organisation that you will work with including payment /scholarship and a short description of the project you will be working on 
  • Hosting agreement or contract on the research
  • Letter of your local university / research institute

Please note that in individual cases additional documents can be required.

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